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  • 3 Sep 2024 17:25 | Anonymous

    The latest IALE Bulletin - Volume 42 no. 2, June 2024 - is out now.

    Featured in this issue:

    • The 2025 IALE European Congress in Slovakia is seeking session proposals (due Sept. 30th)

    • Consider participating in IRALE 2025 conference In Panna, Madhya Pradesh in February

    • Submit a manuscript to a special issue on Forest Sustainability Agriculture in Landscape Ecology

    • Guest editors and themes needed for special issues in Physical Transactions of the Royal Society B

    • Updates from the our Czech, Indian, and European chapters

  • 28 Jun 2024 23:02 | Anonymous

    The latest IALE Bulletin - Volume 42 no. 2, June 2024 - is out now.

    Featured in this issue:

    • A sneak peak at our host country and city for the 2027 IALE World Congress

    • Invitation to participate in the upcoming 2025 IALE European Congress

    • Call for abstracts for the 5th European Conference of the Ecosystem Services Partnership with the following theme “Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One Health”

    • An invitation to submit a manuscript in Sustainability for a special section on Environmental Sustainability and Applications

    • Updates from the spatial analysis of organisms in the environment Working Group

  • 20 Mar 2024 20:59 | Anonymous

    The latest IALE Bulletin - Volume 42 no. 1, March 2024 - is out now.

    Featured in this issue:

    • Location of the 12th IALE World Congress (in 2027)

    • Which chapters and working groups received funding from IALE

    • Upcoming conferences in Portugal and Slovakia

    • Many new publications!

    Also, if you have upcoming events that need to be pushed out to our members before the next quarterly bulletin (e.g. upcoming webinars, need for another contribution to a special issue), please consider sending them to me at and stating they are for quick release (i.e. not the Bulletin). I will collect these and email them to all our members every other week! We hope to get more timely information out for you all in this manner.

  • 11 Jan 2024 01:15 | Anonymous

    Happy New Year everyone!

    As of January 2024, Springer Nature is proud to offer active IALE members a 50% discount off the article processing charge of their paper which has been accepted by Landscape Ecology, an open access journal.

    How does it work?

    • Please send your request for a single-use discount code to Vice-Secretary General Amelie Davis (davis DOT amelie AT gmail DOT com) only after your paper has been accepted by Landscape Ecology.
    • She will verify your active membership status before forwarding the request to Springer Nature for processing.
    • You will be contacted for the manuscript ID of your accepted paper to Landscape Ecology and then provided with a single-use discount code to be applied during the MyPublication process.
    • Please send additional single-use discount code requests to Amelie after your paper has been accepted by Landscape Ecology and the previously issued single-use discount code has been redeemed.

  • 20 Dec 2023 17:49 | Anonymous

    The latest IALE Bulletin - Volume 41 no. 3/4 December 2023 - is now online.

    Featured in this issue:

    ·       2023 IALE World Congress Report including a great story map about the meeting:

    ·       Updates from our Indian and Europe chapters

    ·       Call to host the next World Congress (Due 1 Jan 2024)

    Happy New Year to all!!

  • 27 Nov 2023 22:22 | Anonymous

    Please check out the September newsletter from the Indian Regional Association for Landscape Ecology: 

  • 24 Oct 2023 18:48 | Anonymous

    IALE, the International Association for Landscape Ecology (, invites proposals to host the next IALE World Congress in 2027. The IALE World Congress is the premier event for landscape ecologists worldwide and regular attracts ~1000 attendees. The event lasts one week and must include plenaries, symposia, oral sessions, posters sessions, a social dinner and field trips.

    Past locations include (see also our website for a more detailed overview of past events:

    2003 – Darwin, Australia

    2007 – Wageningen, The Netherlands

    2011 – Beijing, China

    2015 – Portland, Oregon, USA

    2019 – Milan, Italy

    2023 – Nairobi, Kenya

    IALE is committed to providing the fullest support possible for hosting the event including loans, direct travel support for young scholars, processes and procedures developed over the past 30 years, including program assistance, registration and other. We encourage all interested parties to submit a proposal. Bids are due by January 5, 2024.


    All proposals must be routed through an IALE national or regional chapter. We will not accept bids directly from individuals, academic/research institutions or private companies. Guidelines for bid preparations (including details about the city, venue, transportation options, field trips, potential support, meeting sustainability efforts) are available on request.

    Please provide your proposal as a PDF file to the IALE Secretary General Benjamin Burkhard.

  • 25 Jun 2023 21:32 | Anonymous

    The latest IALE Bulletin - Volume 41 no. 2, June 2023 - is online.

    Featured in this issue:

    • Update IALE 2023 World Congress Nairobi
    • Results of the IALE EC Elections 2023
  • 18 Jun 2023 06:27 | Anonymous

    Jumbo (Hello)

    We are excited to share these IALE 2023 World Conference Updates with IALE Community:

    1. IALE 2023 Congress schedule and Program details:

    2.  IALE 2023 Pre-conference Workshops

    3. IALE 2023 Excursions & Tours

    4.  Foreign Scholar Travel Award (FSTA)

    The IALE 2023 Foreign Scholar Travel Award Committee reviewed more than 30 applications, selected 14 candidates, and “Award Letters” have been sent out to the winners. There will be a formal announcement of the 2023 FSTA awardees on the IALE 2023 Website, and they will be recognized during the opening ceremony. 
    The Organizing committee wishes to express our sincere thanks to the FSTA Review Committee:

    • Prof. Chris Shisanya - Department of Geography, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
    • Dr. Esther Munyiri - Director, Global Tourism Resilience & Crisis Management Centre (GTRCMC), Eastern Africa, Kenya
    • Dr. Ramesh Krishnamurthy- Wildlife Institute of India
    • Prof. Dolors Armenteras - Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Modelling Lab - ECOLMOD, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
    • Prof. Henry Bulley - BMCC, City University of New York, USA

    5. Registered attendees 

    1. All registered attendees will receive an invitation (shortly after this update) to create your virtual IALE 2023 profile on
    2. You will get a chance to create your name badge online and print it onsite. Here is a sample name badge:

    6. Road to Magical Nairobi (#video Shorts)

    IALE 2023 is in 3 weeks, and we want to raise the excitement meter on the webpage and social media.  So, we are inviting all attendees to submit 30 – 60 seconds video shorts. 

    1. Use the IALE 2023 logo:

    1. Send your video short to and
    2. We will feature the video shorts on the IALE 2023 website and there will be a voting for the top 2 video shorts.  The two winners will receive authentic “Kenyan kikoy”, see samples below:

    7. IALE 2023 Merchandise

    We are pleased to inform IALE community that we will soon have merchandise available for purchase online (and pick up later) or purchase on-site in Nairobi. These include IALE 2023 themed T-shirts, kikoys, shukas, etc:

    Feel free to contact the IALE 2023 organizers via and  We look forward to seeing you in Nairobi in July!

    Karibu sana (welcome) to Nairobi

    Prof. Joy Obando (IALE 2023 LOC Chair) & Prof. Simon Onywere (IALE 2023 LOC Cochair)

  • 24 May 2023 07:41 | Anonymous

    Early Registration Deadline Extension

    Due to reported network connectivity problems from some countries in accessing the IALE  2023 World Congress  website, the 11th IALE 2023 World Congress Early Registration Page ( will stay open until 20:30hrs UTC on Wednesday May 24, 2023.   

    Regular Registrations

    Regular In-person Registration Page - IALE 2023 Conference ( will be available starting 21:00hrs UTC on Wednesday May 24, 2023.   

    Virtual Registration Page - IALE 2023 Conference (  will be available starting 21:00hrs UTC on Wednesday May 24, 2023.   

    Workshop Registration Page - IALE 2023 Conference (  will be available starting 21:00hrs UTC on Wednesday May 24, 2023.   

    Please continue to check IALE 2023 World Congress ( for additional updates.

    @ all IALE EC members - please share this information to your contacts and social media.

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