Approved through a ballot among all members of the Association, 03.03.2017.
A Name, Seat and Language of the Association
A1 The name of the association shall be INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY (IALE) or its equivalent in other languages.
A2 The seat of the Association is Wageningen, the Netherlands. The contact address is the address of the treasurer. For financial business and commercial issues the address of the Association is either the address of the Treasurer or another appointed member of the Executive Committee ensuring the access to the European bank account.
A3 The working language of the Association shall be English. Other languages may be used within different Regions of the Association.
B Objectives and Activities of IALE
B1 In order to develop an understanding of the structure and function of natural, altered, and managed landscapes and to advance a balanced interaction between humans and their environments, the objectives of the Association shall be to:
- Enhance communication among scientists, planners, managers, and organizations in landscape ecology and related disciplines:
- Advance research in landscape ecology; and
- Promote the development of knowledge of and education in landscape ecology and its applications, and
- to further interactions between scientists and practitioners.
B2 In order to accomplish these objectives, the activities of the Association shall be to:
- Organize a World Congress of Landscape Ecology, normally at intervals of four years:
- Organize other international seminars and workshops and other meetings for effective exchange of knowledge and use of landscape ecology;
- Enhance and support the activities of Regional Chapters:
- Publish or by other means produce or distribute knowledge about landscape ecology and undertake any appropriate actions, including educational instruction and research activities, to enhance the development and application of landscape ecology:
- Form interdisciplinary Working Groups to address specific issues or problems in landscape ecology;
- Edit and distribute a Bulletin, and
- Establish cooperation with other organizations that have similar objectives and related fields of interest.
C Membership
C1 Membership in IALE is open to all persons or institutions interested in or active in the study or the application of landscape ecology. The following classes of membership are available annually from 1 January each year. Every class of membership can qualify as a member in Good Standing.
- Regular Members: Individuals who have paid the current individual membership fee.
- Corresponding Members: Individuals who have been granted an exemption from the current individual membership fee. Application for exemption will be considered for members to whom availability of international exchangeable currency is critically restricted. The Treasurer will receive such applications and will decide whether to allow or reject individual exemptions. Corresponding Members must reapply for exemption before 1 March each year.
- Student Members: Individuals who are currently registered as students at a recognized institution of higher education and whose membership application has been certified by the signature of an academic advisor. Student members have all the rights and privileges of Regular Members.
- Institutional Members: Institutions that have paid the current institutional membership fee.
C2 Membership in Good Standing shall be lost when a member's fees are in arrears for six months from the due date of 1 January each year.
D The Structure of IALE
D1 The Association shall carry out its work through the following bodies:
- The General Assembly
- The Executive Committee
- The Council
- The Regional Chapters
- The Working Groups
E The General Assembly
E1 The purpose of the General Assembly is to make decisions affecting the general membership of the Association, including changes in membership fees at the international level and approval of new chapters. The General Assembly normally will meet during a World Congress, but may also be convened in any other way designated by the Executive Committee.
E2 Voting privileges in the General Assembly are restricted to members in Good Standing.
E3 The meeting of the General Assembly at the World Congress will receive reports from the Secretary-General and from the Treasurer. These reports also shall be published in an issue of the Bulletin at least three months before the Congress.
E4 Each meeting of the General Assembly shall receive and consider proposals for new IALE activities and shall ratify new IALE activities, policies, and expenditures when requested by the Executive Committee to do so. The Secretary-General shall prepare the material to implement this process.
E5 The General Assembly shall nominate and elect individuals to positions on the Executive Committee following the procedures described in Section G.
F The Executive CommitteeF1 The Executive Committee shall consist of:
The President. The
President shall have a four-year term. The term of the President begins
at the end of a World Congress and continues until the close of the next
World Congress. The President is not eligible for re-election to
consecutive terms. Duties include presiding at EC and General Assembly
meetings, lead new initiatives for IALE, and provide guidance to the
World Congress organization held at the end of their term.
Past-President. The Past-President has the same term and stipulations
as the President. This person serves as standing member of the
Nominating committee and provides guidance in planning for World
The six Vice-Presidents are intended to provide
global representation and should reflect the international character of
the Association. Vice-Presidents have four-year terms. Elections for
three Vice-Presidents shall take place at two-year intervals.
Vice-Presidents may be re-elected to consecutive terms. Vice Presidents
provide support wherever needed on EC, and provide leadership for
certain initiatives as determined by the EC, such as initiation and
support of new working groups or chapters.
Secretary-General. The Secretary-General has the same term as the
President, but is eligible for immediate re-election. This person serves
as the main communication link to the IALE members, and provides
ongoing management for the multiple activities of IALE, and specifically
the EC.
The Treasurer. The Treasurer has the same term as the
President and is eligible for immediate re-election. The Treasurer
provides financial management for the Society.
Communication Officer, who also serves as Deputy Secretary-General. The
Communication Officer has the same term as the President and is eligible
for immediate re-election. This person provides communication to the
IALE membership through regular publication of the Bulletin, and
maintenance of the web site.
Paragraphs F2, F3 and F4 ensure
that the EC can function immediately after resignations and applies to
the end of the turn of the officers involved. After resignations of an
officer the following procedures will apply:
F2 If the President
should resign or become unable to serve before the end of a term, the EC
shall designate an acting president from the existing EC members.
If the Secretary-General should resign or become unable to serve before
the end of a term, the EC has the following choices: (a) the office
will be filled until the end of the term by the Deputy
Secretary-General, who may appoint a new Bulletin Editor in consultation
with the President, or (b) the EC shall appoint a new Deputy
Secretary-General who is in Good standing as a member of IALE.
If the Treasurer should resign or become unable to serve before the end
of a term, the EC has the following choices: (a) the office will be
filled until the end of the term by one of other members of the
Executive Committee, who may co-opt assistance, as selected by
themselves, or (b) the EC shall appoint a new Treasurer who is in Good
standing as a member of IALE.
F5 The role of the Executive
Committee is to manage the activities and responsibilities of IALE, at
all times with reference to the Statutes, actions of the General
Assembly, and advice of the Council, so as to maintain the vitality of
IALE and effectively represent the interests of IALE and its membership.
The Executive Committee is responsible for maintaining membership roles
and provide for effective communication with the membership.
The Executive Committee shall recommend membership fees in
internationally exchangeable currency to the General Assembly, with
reference to advice from the Council and to the operating budget for
IALE. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for income,
expenditures, and all financial activities and responsibilities of IALE.
The Executive Committee, through the Secretary-General, shall inform
the members about activities of the Executive Committee, the General
Assembly, and the Council, by publication in the Bulletin or by other
suitable means.
F8 The Executive Committee shall consider
potential venues for the next World Congress by calling for proposals
and then deciding the location as well as advise on other details of the
F9 The Executive Committee shall act upon proposals
to hold supraregional or other IALE conferences or symposia, to ensure
that these activities are consistent with and reinforce the mission of
F10 When IALE ceases to function effectively, the Executive
Committee shall end all its affairs and ensure that any remaining
resources are used effectively for landscape ecology.
F11 A
quorum for the Executive Committee shall be at least four, including the
President (or a delegate from within the Committee), the
Secretary-General or Deputy Secretary-General, and the Treasurer (or a
delegate from within the Committee).
F12 The Executive Committee
shall provide for the following awards, to be given to outstanding
landscape ecologists, normally at the World Congress: Distinguished
Service Award and Distinguished Scholarship Award.
F13 The
Executive Committee can appoint a Publicity Officer (PO) for a limited
period, The PO is not member of the EC. The PO is responsible for
public relations among chapters, and facilitation of sponsorships,
awards and certifications
F14 The Executive Committee can appoint
a Banking Liaison Nominee (BLN) in the Netherlands. The BLN is not
member of the EC. The BLN is responsible for supporting the banking at
the Netherlands and will support the Treasurer considering all relevant
decisions for which native Dutch language is requested.
G Elections
G1 Elections shall be held to fill positions on the Executive Committee as needed, following these procedures:
- Elections shall be scheduled by the Executive Committee so as to ensure an orderly and uninterrupted transition between officers.
- Nominations will be received by a Nominating Committee, which shall be chaired by the Chair of the Council. The Past-President will also be a standing member of the committee. In agreement they shall appoint three additional members to the Nomination Committee, in a manner intended to provide regional representation.
- A request for nominations shall be distributed to all members by the Secretary-General by publication in the Bulletin or by other means in time for receipt at least four months before the scheduled election. Any nominations shall be made by two members in Good Standing and shall be consented to in writing by the signature of the nominee. Nominations shall be in the hands of the Secretary-General at least two months before the scheduled election. The Secretary-General shall deliver all valid nominations to the Chair of the Nominating Committee immediately after this deadline. Nominations may also be made by the Nominating Committee, with the consent of the nominee.
- The Nominating Committee shall develop a list of candidates with (if possible) at least two eligible candidates for each position to be filled in the election. Candidates shall be selected from the nominations received with reference to: considerations of the Statutes of the Association, needs of each particular office, the international and regional nature of IALE, the interdisciplinary character of IALE, and similar criteria likely to affect the vitality of IALE.
- At least four months before the next World Congress or at least two month before the scheduled election, the Chair of the Nominating Committee shall announce through the Bulletin and the Web site the developed list of candidates for all positions to be filled in the election together with position statements prepared by the candidates. Up to one month before the scheduled election, members in good standing can submit additional write-in candidates for any position to the Secretary-General, but such candidates must have agreed to serve if elected. Immediately after this deadline such submissions are forwarded to the Nomination Committee that without due delay distribute to all members currently in Good Standing a ballot containing both the developed list of candidates for all positions, as well as additional write-in candidates submitted up to one month before the scheduled election. The ballot shall be a secret ballot. To be valid, ballots must be returned to the Chair of the Nominating Committee by the end of the day of the scheduled election.
- Candidates for each position will be elected by a simple majority of valid ballots cast. In the event that there is only one candidate for a position, election of the single nominee by acclamation will be indicated by a simple majority of the votes cast.
- The results of the election will be announced to the General Assembly at the World Congress or, in the case of biannual elections, in the IALE Bulletin.
H The Council
H1 The Council of IALE consists of:
- One EC representative who is member of and appointed by the EC for one election period (4 yrs.).
- One representative from each confirmed Regional Chapter who has been certified in writing by the Chapter‘s Executive Committee to the Secretary-General as the elected Regional Representative. The Council Representative must be renewed annually for each Regional Chapter.
H2 The Council will meet at least once every four years at the IALE World Congress, before the meeting of the General Assembly. Between Congresses the Council will work and take decisions mainly via electronic communication.
H3 A Chairman of the Council shall be elected in connection with the Council meeting at the Congress from among the members of the Council who are not also members of the Executive Committee.
H4 A quorum for the Council shall be at least half of the Council members, whether in person or by electronic communication. Voting will be by majority of the members. In the case of a member representing more than one body on Council, they shall have only one vote.
H5 The role of the Council is to:
- Accept or reject new applications from, and to terminate as needed, Regional Chapters
- Make recommendations to the Executive Committee on matters of policy or scientific activity.
- Elect a replacement from among the current Vice-Presidents if the President shall resign or be unable to serve before the end of a term.
- Approve proposals for changes to the Statutes
I The Regional Chapters
I1 The Regional Chapters shall form the basic structure of IALE. Based on regional needs and possibilities, the regional chapters initiate regional activities in the form of scientific meetings, meetings on the application of landscape ecology in planning and management, and in other ways distribute knowledge on science, education, and application of landscape ecology. IALE Regional Chapters need not conform to political boundaries.
I2 To be confirmed as an IALE Regional Chapter, landscape ecologists in a region must form an Executive Committee for the region and elect a Regional Representative to the IALE Council. Names and addresses of all the members of the Executive Committee and of the Regional Representative must be sent to the Secretary-General. By establishment of a regional organization, measures shall be taken to involve different relevant disciplines and groups, including individual members of IALE. Bylaws not in contradiction with the IALE Statutes shall be forwarded, together with a report on elections, to the Secretary-General. The Council will vote to confirm or reject the request for Regional Chapter status within 4 weeks. IALE membership fees for any members of the Regional Chapter who are not already members of IALE shall be forwarded to the Treasurer.
I3 Each IALE Regional Chapter shall:
- Conduct Regional scientific and business meetings and facilitate communication and acquisition of new knowledge about landscape ecology in appropriate ways.
- Provide a complete mailing list of all Regional Chapter members and officers to the Secretary-General and the Treasurer on an annual basis.
- Provide the Secretary-General and Bulletin Editor with an annual report of chapter activities. These reports will be published in the Bulletin as appropriate.
- Provide liaison between the IALE Executive Committee and the Regional members.
I4 Each Regional Chapter may collect membership fees as needed for regional activities, along with the regular IALE membership fees determined by the Executive Committee.
I5 Individuals may not be members of a Regional Chapter without also being members in Good Standing of the Association.
J Working Groups and Regional Affiliates
J1 Working Groups may be established or linked to IALE to study and report findings on particular problems or aspects of landscape ecology, sometimes in cooperation with other established organisations.
J2 A Working Group may be established either by the Executive Committee to meet a special IALE need or by the Executive Committee pursuant to a recommendation from the Council. It is the duty of the Executive Committee to terminate any Working Group. The Executive Committee can also invite established working groups to participate in IALE activities, provided they fulfill the requirements of J3. If a Working Group does not document visible activities per year, the appointed Vice President in the EC has the option to terminate its activities and/or delete it from the webpage.
J3 Each Working Group shall elect a Representative as soon as possible after establishment of the Working Groupor after its affiliation to IALE. This Representative must be a IALE member and will be responsible for providing an annual written report of Group activities to the Secretary-General. The Representative shall also present oral and written reports to the General Assembly during the World Congress and/or following the termination of the Working Group, or of its affiliation to IALE.
J4 Regional affiliates are local organizations of landscape ecologists including members of IALE. They promote the goals of IALE, contribute to the activities of IALE, have their own meetings and have a corresponding regional contact that is IALE member in Good standing. They do not meet the criteria given in I2 and are not a standing member of the council. The status of a regional affiliate is limited in time (4 years). However it is the goal of IALE to aid transition of regional affiliates into full chapters.
K IALE Communication MediaK1 The Communication Officer shall issue the Bulletin at regular intervals to communicate with members about issues and activities in landscape ecology, IALE affairs, and activities of the Regional Chapters and Working Groups. Information distribution and member engagement through social media are additionally be supported by a team (IALE Outreach Working Group, IOWG) of senior and junior members under guidance and in close exchange with the Executive Committee.
K2 Costs of production and distribution of the Bulletin or the use of any other communication panels shall be paid from membership fees, as budgeted by the Treasurer. Electronic distribution of the Bulletin is the standard. For those unable to obtain it electronically, the printed version will be made available.
L Finances
L1 Income to the IALE Treasury shall be from:
- Membership fees.
- Donations, grants, contracts, and any other legal income sources that does not compromise IALE objectives and is approved by the Executive Committee.
- Other sources of income.
L2 Expenditures from the IALE Treasury shall be:
- Planned and completed with reference to an annual budget proposed by the Treasurer and approved by the Executive Committee.
- Approved by the Executive Committee if more than € 5,000.
- Approved by the Treasurer and the President (or, in emergencies, the Secretary-General in place of the President) if € 1,000-5,000.
- Approved by the Treasurer if less than € 1,000.
- Documented by official signed receipts submitted to the Treasurer in all cases except petty cash.
L3 All financial transactions and the state of the Treasury shall be promptly and regularly recorded by the Treasurer using normal accounting practices. Annual balance sheets shall be submitted to the Executive Committee and published in the Bulletin, together with a proposed budget for the following year.
L4 If there is a financial crisis, the Treasurer shall immediately inform the executive committee.
L5 The Executive Committee shall appoint two individual members to conduct an internal annual audit of the Treasurer's accounts. In the case of major projects, the Executive Committee should employ an external auditor.
L6 IALE supports conferences and workshops including the world congress. If financial support is provided by IALE a Memorandum of understanding (MOU) is mandatory before any funding can be transferred to the organizers. A separate MOU is required for each individual event describing the specific agreements between IALE and the individual organizers. In all cases IALE is not liable for any deficit exceeding the original contribution agreed upon in the MOU.
M Other Regulations
M1 The business of IALE may be conducted by mail, telephone, fax, electronic communications, or other means as appropriate.
M2 The Executive Committee may appoint sub-committees charged with specific tasks for a limited term and may give them powers to co-opt other members or non-members for particular purposes.
M3 The President and the Secretary-General in consultation may appoint members to represent IALE at meetings of Regional Chapters or at meetings of other societies or conferences at which IALE interests should be represented but that cannot be attended by any members of the Executive Committee.
N Changes of the Statutes
N1 Proposals for changes to the Statutes can be made in writing to the Executive Committee (through the Secretary-General) by any member in Good Standing. If approved by the Executive Committee and the Council, proposed changes must be published in the Bulletin or the web site to members at least two months before a scheduled vote among members in good standing on the changes. If approved by a majority of the valid ballots cast, the changes will become effective immediately.
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