Landscape ecologists investigate the interaction between human activities and the environment at many scales, from local to global. Landscape ecology thus offers critical and relevant framework for efforts aimed at achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at local, national and regional levels. Hence it is imperative for the landscape ecology community to engage with other scientific communities as well as actors in defining, planning and implementing policy and resource management strategies from municipalities, regional and national agencies to international bodies like the United Nations. Many of the most critical issues in this period of the Anthropocene include land use change and urbanization, air and water pollution, agriculture, invasive species, biodiversity, and climate change.
While most policymakers, practitioners, and resources managers have little awareness of how insights from landscape ecology can improve policy development and implementation, most landscape ecology researchers are typically not trained to provide appropriate guidance to policymakers and practitioners in a format that is easily understood and germane to their pressing needs. Hence, the landscape ecology community need an effective forum and mechanism to engage with policy makers and other societal actors to provide valuable insights, while also learning about the current and emerging issues within the context of attaining the SDGs. The Outreach and Policy Working Group (OPWG) seeks promote awareness, understanding, and application of Landscape Ecology research findings for policymakers and practitioners, towards a collective goal of addressing Sustainability and Conservation issues in the 21st century. This will be done through a Global discourse on the intersection between Landscape Ecology community and other scientific organizations, as well as policy makers and other societal actors on commonalities in achieving SDGs.
The goals of OPWG are to:
- identify opportunities where the field of LE can inform policy related to pressing issues;
- support landscape ecologists interested in translating their research results into policy;
- engage with policy makers to identify key information needs that landscape ecologists can investigate;
- encourage landscape ecologists to identify gaps between knowledge and existing policy;
- support training for landscape ecologists to work in policy-related fields;
- prepare reports and white papers in collaboration with other professional societies.
Activities (2020 – 2021)
The focus and activities of OPWG for 2019 – 2020 will include:
- Webinar series on to improve the “Knowledge Base” and understanding of intersections between Landscape Ecology and policy related and resource management issues.
- Promote special issue publications on cross-disciplinary approaches to addressing human-environmental interactions and their impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem services provision, and SDGs,
- Coordinate with other Working groups to streamline collaborative initiatives with organizations such as ESP, IPBES, Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS), Conservation Social Science and the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP). The goal is to leverage landscape perspectives in the work of these organizations and vice-versa and enhance collective understanding of human-environment and socio-economic dimensions of addressing Sustainable Development Goals.
All colleagues interested in contributing to our working group are welcome to contact us, via the Working Group Lead, Henry N. N. Bulley - hbulley(at)bmcc.cuny.edu or Co-Lead, Audrey Mayer - almayer(at)mtu.edu. We are especially seeking members who are involved in policy making and as such welcome planners, elected officials, and other practitioners to join our group.
Current OPWG Members are listed below in alphabetic order:
Name |
Affiliation |
Jonathan Bossenbroek -
Department of Environmental Sciences University of Toledo
Toledo, OH, USA
Email: jonathan.bossenbroek(at)utoledo.edu
Ms. Taylor Broadhead
(PhD student)
Ecological Sciences and Engineering (ESE)
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
Email: taylorbroadhead(at)gmail.com
Dr. Henry Bulley
Geography & GIScience
Social Science & Human Services Department
BMCC, City University of New York,
Email: hbulley@bmcc.cuny.edu
Coordinator & WG Lead
Dr. Brian Buma
Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK USA
Email: bbuma(at)alaska.edu)
Dr. Amelie Davis
Department of Economics and Geosciences
United States Air Force Academy
Colorado Springs, CO USA
Email: davis(dot)amelie(at)gmail.com
Dr. Sarah Dumyahn
Institute for the Environment & Sustainability
Miami University
Oxford, OH USA
Email: dumyahn.sarah(at)miamioh.edu
Ms. Victoria Dietze
Humboldt-University to Berlin,
Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Policy.
Email: victoria.dietze(at)hu-berlin.de
Dr. Sima Fakheran Esfahani
Faculty of Natural Resources,
Isfahan University of Technology,
Isfahan, 84156-83111 , Iran.
Email: fakheran(at)cc.iut.ac.ir
Dr. Jing (Trista) Fu
Institute of Urban Studies,
Shanghai Normal University
Email: tristarjing(at)gmail.com
Dr. Christine Fürst
Martin Luther Universität Halle,
Institut für Geowissenschaften und Geographie, FG Nachhaltige Landschaftsentwicklung,
Halle, Germany
Email: christine.fuerst(at)geo.uni-halle.de
Dr. Audrey Mayer
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, Michigan, USAEmail: almayer(at)mtu.edu
Dr. Parisa Pakzad
Faculty of Built Environment University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Sydney Australia
Email: parisa.packzad(at)gmail.com
Dr. Rob Scheller
North Carolina State University
Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources
Raleigh, NC, USA
Email: rschell(at)ncsu.edu
Dr. Giorgio Vacchiano
University of Milan
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Milan, Italy
Email: giorgio.vacchiano(at)unito.it
Dr. Yolanda Wiersma
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Email: ywiersma(at)mun.ca
Ms. Evelyn Asante Yeboah
(PhD student)
Martin Luther University, Halle
DAAD Research Fellow
Institut für Geowissenschaften und Geographie, FG Nachhaltige Landschaftsentwicklung,
Halle, Germany
Email: eveyeb84(at)gmail.com
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