Dra. Dolors Armenteras, IALE-Colombia President and IALE Vicepresident, visited Chile for 10 days to participate in research about landscapes affected by Megafires and their change over time. Invited by Dr. Francisco de la Barrera and his research team, they traveled through a long gradient of burned landscapes to learn and explore future directions for research on the socio-ecological processes and patterns of wildfires in Latin America and the Global South. The visit included workdays at the Universidad de Concepcion to share with IALE-Chile members, co-researchers of De la Barrera Lab, and postgraduate students, offering the master class “Megafires in Amazonia” and having meetings.
The conclusion of the visit came up with a common understanding that landscapes of Latin America have particularities that require new and own approaches of research and management. In this direction, it is key to strengthen the collaboration among researchers and associative training for students in the Global South.