Since 2017, the International Association for Landscape
Ecology (IALE) has been affiliated with Land. A new Collection
has been created to collate all submissions from IALE
members. The topics could cover, but are not limited to:
- 3DLM – 3D landscape metrics;
- Biocultural landscape;
- Biodiversity and ecosystem service assessments;
- Food and water security;
- Forest landscape ecology;
- Historical landscape ecology;
- Landscape planning;
- Outreach and policy;
- Spatial analysis of organisms in the environment;
- Urban and peri-urban governance;
- Pattern–process–scale relationships of landscapes;
- Landscape connectivity and fragmentation;
- Scale and scaling;
- Spatial analysis and landscape modeling;
- Landscape history and legacy effects;
- Landscape and climate change interactions;
- Ecosystem services in changing landscapes;
- Landscape sustainability;
- Remote sensing of landscape.
As part of this collaboration, all members of the IALE will
receive a 10% discount on the article processing charge
(APC) when submitting articles to Land. Please choose IALE
as your instituation when submitting papers to this Collection.
IALE-Land collection flyer.pdf