Happy New Year everyone!
As of January 2024, Springer Nature is proud to offer active IALE members a 50% discount off the article processing charge of their paper which has been accepted by Landscape Ecology, an open access journal.
How does it work?
- Please send your request for a single-use discount code to Vice-Secretary General Amelie Davis (davis DOT amelie AT gmail DOT com) only after your paper has been accepted by Landscape Ecology.
- She will verify your active membership status before forwarding the request to Springer Nature for processing.
- You will be contacted for the manuscript ID of your accepted paper to Landscape Ecology and then provided with a single-use discount code to be applied during the MyPublication process.
- Please send additional single-use discount code requests to Amelie after your paper has been accepted by Landscape Ecology and the previously issued single-use discount code has been redeemed.