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  • 21 Dec 2020 14:00 | Anonymous

    This year, many IALE members have gained experience in organising and participating in virtual conferences. A group of active IALE members have compiled their experiences and share  their suggestions for the design of virtual conferences that will likely still dominate in 2021 here.

  • 21 Dec 2020 14:00 | Anonymous

    The Landscape Series from Springer has released many new titles in 2020 from some of our most active members. Check here.

  • 8 Sep 2020 06:00 | Anonymous

    We invite you to contribute to the SPRINGER NATURE book edition entitled “Exploring the Multiple Values of Nature - Connecting Ecosystems and People across Landscapes”.

    In recognition of the varied ways nature is valued, this volume aims being a guiding element to understand key concepts such as ecosystem services (ES), nature’s contributions to people (NCP), nature based solutions (NBS) and to provide practical examples of how these concepts are applied along different socio-environmental gradients and land systems.

    We are particularly interested into conceptual and practical applications in mountain, rural-urban or coastal-marine system domain. Case studies can come from across the globe and can have diverse spatial scopes (from local to regional to trans-regional).

     Submit your abstract proposal (200 words) including co-authors and affiliation to (subject of the email: “Abstract proposal”). Deadline for abstract submission is 18th of September. More information in this PDF.

  • 17 Jun 2020 11:09 | Anonymous

    For their renowned book series Landscape Series Springer and the current editors (IALE members Janet Silbernagel and Jiquan Chen) are currently in the process of looking for a new Editor-in-Chief as the current Editors-in-Chief are coming to the end of their term.

    Please find more Information in this PDF
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