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  • 15 Feb 2021 16:00 | Anonymous
    The IALE Diversity & Inclusion Committee has prepared a Draft Meeting Code of Conduct to apply to all events sponsored by IALE. Download the draft here.

    The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to outline the acceptable and unacceptable behavior at the World Congress and all other IALE-sponsored meetings and events, whether virtual in person. We propose that all attendees at future IALE World Congresses will be required to agree to this code of conduct before attending. In addition, as a condition of receiving IALE funding for meetings, regional chapters will be required to agree to the code of conduct and to share it with their meeting attendees.

    We would like feedback and comments from IALE members on the draft Code of Conduct. Please submit your comments by 15 March 2021 via this form:  

    The IALE Diversity & Inclusion Committee:
    Jen Costanza, Chair, Dolors Armenteras, Monika Engerer, Sima Fakheran, Laura Farwell, Amy Frazier, Rob Scheller
  • 11 Feb 2021 15:56 | Anonymous

    Based on the current uncertainties about the evolution of the spreading of the coronavirus and vaccination processes, the IALE-Europe Executive Committee and the Local Organising Committee of IALE2021 congress made a tough decision to postpone the IALE2021 European Landscape Ecology Congress to 2022. 

    More information and details can be found on the congress website

  • 29 Jan 2021 16:00 | Anonymous

    With the roll-out of our new membership management system, our website gets a new home and a new look. Our newsletter is also moving. For the moment, all new information about IALE World will be concentrated on the website - soon this page will be available via the well-known URL

  • 27 Jan 2021 16:00 | Anonymous

    It’s time to select the 2020 Landscape Ecology Journal's Best Article Award. The selection criteria and procedures are attached here. Please send your nomination of one article from our journal during 2020 to Jianguo Wu (; Editor-in-Chief Landscape Ecology) by January 31, 2021 for consideration, with a brief explanation of why you’re excited about the paper.

  • 15 Jan 2021 16:00 | Anonymous

    The call for papers and posters for Landscape 2021 - Diversity for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture to be held September 20-22, 2021 as online conference is now open.

    The conference is organised by the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF).

    More information is available at:

  • 12 Jan 2021 16:00 | Anonymous

    Here is a compact update on the conferences of our partner organisation ESP (Ecosystem Service Partnerhship).

    Find more information here:

  • 21 Dec 2020 14:30 | Anonymous

    The IALE Bulletin Vol. 38 No. 4 - Decenber 2020 is online.

    Download the new Bulletin here.

  • 21 Dec 2020 14:00 | Anonymous

    This year, many IALE members have gained experience in organising and participating in virtual conferences. A group of active IALE members have compiled their experiences and share  their suggestions for the design of virtual conferences that will likely still dominate in 2021 here.

  • 21 Dec 2020 14:00 | Anonymous

    The Landscape Series from Springer has released many new titles in 2020 from some of our most active members. Check here.

  • 8 Sep 2020 06:00 | Anonymous

    We invite you to contribute to the SPRINGER NATURE book edition entitled “Exploring the Multiple Values of Nature - Connecting Ecosystems and People across Landscapes”.

    In recognition of the varied ways nature is valued, this volume aims being a guiding element to understand key concepts such as ecosystem services (ES), nature’s contributions to people (NCP), nature based solutions (NBS) and to provide practical examples of how these concepts are applied along different socio-environmental gradients and land systems.

    We are particularly interested into conceptual and practical applications in mountain, rural-urban or coastal-marine system domain. Case studies can come from across the globe and can have diverse spatial scopes (from local to regional to trans-regional).

     Submit your abstract proposal (200 words) including co-authors and affiliation to (subject of the email: “Abstract proposal”). Deadline for abstract submission is 18th of September. More information in this PDF.




International Association for Landscape Ecology

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