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  • 4 Jun 2022 12:00 | Anonymous

    Sonia Reyes, IALE-Chile President was nominated by the recently elected Chilean president as regional deputy of environmental issues in Santiago Metropolitan Region. Dr. Reyes-Packe will have the mission of leading the implementation of new climate change law, new ecological planning perspectives, and biodiversity protection actions among many other tasks. The nomination represents an acknowledgment of her excellent trajectory as a researcher and activist, including her involvement in the creation of the IALE chapter in Chile, as well as other links between science and social movements.

  • 2 Jun 2022 11:56 | Anonymous

    Dra. Dolors Armenteras, IALE-Colombia President and IALE Vicepresident, visited Chile for 10 days to participate in research about landscapes affected by Megafires and their change over time. Invited by Dr. Francisco de la Barrera and his research team, they traveled through a long gradient of burned landscapes to learn and explore future directions for research on the socio-ecological processes and patterns of wildfires in Latin America and the Global South. The visit included workdays at the Universidad de Concepcion to share with IALE-Chile members, co-researchers of De la Barrera Lab, and postgraduate students, offering the master class “Megafires in Amazonia” and having meetings.  

    The conclusion of the visit came up with a common understanding that landscapes of Latin America have particularities that require new and own approaches of research and management. In this direction, it is key to strengthen the collaboration among researchers and associative training for students in the Global South.

  • 31 May 2022 11:44 | Anonymous

    IALE-Chile invites to apply to the “Fieldwork training in landscapes of temperate forests: A trip to learn to share what and how we see”.

    The fieldwork training organized by IALE-Chile is oriented to national and international postgraduate students, and it will cover a gradient of landscapes of Southern Chile. The event covers 3 days of activities, visiting coastal landscapes, agricultural and forestry landscapes, and touristic and conservation landscapes.

    20 IALE-members will be selected to participate based on an application process. During the fieldwork, transportation, accommodation, and meals will be covered by IALE-Chile, thanks to IALE World funding. However, the participants must have the capacity to arrive in Chile on their own. Selected applicants must confirm their participation by paying a refundable fee. The event will take place in Temuco during the last week of September (fieldwork in Spanish). The exact days will be confirmed during the coming weeks. 

    The fieldwork will be supported by senior researchers covering the following topics: 1) Patterns and processes in coastal, agricultural, forestry, and conservation landscapes, 2) Techniques to evaluate landscapes in the field: UAV, Validation of Satellite Imagery, 3) Ecosystem services flow, supply and demand, and 4) Biodiversity in natural and anthropogenic landscapes.

    More information soon.

  • 20 May 2022 11:38 | Anonymous


    We are sad to announce that Professor RGH Bunce (‘Bob’), a founding member of ialeUK and IALE-World president 2003 - 2007, died at Furness General Hospital on 23 April 2022.

    Bob was born in Dorset and educated at Wellington School before taking a degree at the University College of North Wales, Bangor in 1962 to study botany. A Doctorate on the ecology of Ysgoluon Duon (The Black Ladders) of Cadair Idris (Gwynedd) combined Bob’s interest in mountain ecology and rock climbing that never left him. In 1966 he joined the Nature Conservancy (NC) at Merlewood near Grange-over-Sands in Cumbria. Bob remained in and loved this beautiful corner of NW England for the rest of his life, a feeling  eloquently expressed in an article Bob wrote for the ialeUK Newsletter in 2017  (

     One of Bob’s many lasting legacies will be the Countryside Survey (CS), the first of which was completed in 1978; it is still running today. The origins of the CS emerged from the decision at the NC to undertake a woodland classification of Great Britain, with the first test of the method in the Lake District in 1969. This became the basis for the Great Britain Woodland Survey in 1971 (now being repeated for the third time in 2020-2022, funded by the Woodland Trust). When the NC was split in 1974, Bob joined the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) as part of the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology (ITE). It was here that the then Director of ITE, Martin Holgate, asked Bob to survey the vegetation of Great Britain which eventually emerged as the first CS in 1978. A significant element of the success of the CS was based on an understanding of two critically important principles: methods of environmental stratification (later the ‘ITE Land Classes’) and statistical sampling. CS benefitted from the advent of modern computing in the late 60s and Bob enthusiastically combined his considerable interest and understanding of statistics/sampling with digital computing, even if some of the early punch cards were used on occasions as ‘confetti’ for staff weddings!

     Many of Bob’s friends and colleagues will have first been  introduced to Bob at ialeUK conferences and meetings, introductions that often kindled a lifetime of teaching and research in landscape ecology. Whilst Bob was never backward in pointing out the deficiencies of, for example, the research design of a project this was always done with consideration and thought that helped to motivate rather than discourage. Sometimes it could be disquieting. At one meeting Bob famously pointed out after much muttering and hasty scribbles on a piece of paper, that the researcher appeared to have surveyed the major roads of Scotland rather than the actual distribution of the plant community of interest! Many of us have benefited enormously from the enhanced understanding that came from this unfailingly critical but fair-minded scrutiny. More generally, through the pages of The Guardian which he read daily without fail and Private Eye,  Bob applied this critical scrutiny and fair-mindedness to the wider world, where he would rail against the stupidity of political decisions that appeared to have no basis of evidence or resemblance to actual conditions on the ground. Many of us will remember the conference in Manchester to celebrate  25 years of ialeUK at which Bob reflected how pleased he was that ialeUK provided an encouraging and supportive network for early career researchers that almost always also included a memorable social event (

    The founding meeting of the UK chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) was at the University of Nottingham in 1992, convened by one of Bob’s close colleagues and friends, Professor Roy Haines-Young. The general theme of ‘Landscape Ecology in Britain’ set the scene for the annual conference of ialeUK on a range of themes including cultural landscapes, trees & woodlands, avifauna, ecosystem services, freshwater and marine environments, among others. Bob was one of the founding members of ialeUK going on to become chair  for many years and helping to shape the structure of what remains a thriving and influential organisation to this day.  He went on to become President of International IALE (2003 – 2007) at their international meeting in Wageningen, The Netherlands.

     Bob remained a fellow of the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) after his retirement in 2000, becoming a Senior Researcher working with his close friend and colleague, Rob Jongman, at the research institute Alterra in Wageningen. He followed this with a teaching and research appointment as Professor of Environmental Sciences working with another close colleague and friend, Kalev Sepp, at the Estonian University of Life Sciences in Tartu. These two appointments reflected another important aspect of Bob’s life, a lifelong interest in the landscapes of Europe, especially Spain and specifically the Picos de Europa, where he led several botanical field classes with students and staff from the Charlotte Mason College, now part of the University of Cumbria Ambleside Campus.  He captured many of the landscapes he visited across Europe as a series of watercolour paintings, many of which survive and are greatly cherished by friends, family and colleagues.

    He was cremated at Beetham Crematorium, not far from his beloved village of Allithwaite and the wooded limestone hills of the southern Lake District. As we waited to be ushered into the crematorium on a beautiful sunny May afternoon the scene unfolding before the group of friends and family was a startling reflection of Bob’s life and interests. The resemblance to the  line drawings (by the late Chris Benefield, ITE Merlewood) that captured the typical landscape elements of each of the ITE Land Classes was startling. A farmer with his dog was letting a large herd of beef cattle into a field of lush, improved pasture that was devoid of botanical interest. The adjacent field of salad crops being artificially grown under plastic glistened in the afternoon sun. In the distance a very different landscape, the steep limestone crags of Hutton Roof, provided a stark contrast of diversity and richness. It was a fitting picture and memorial to Bob’s extraordinary life and achievements, although he would not have hesitated to explain to everyone present  what was wrong with the famed landscape unfolding before us!

    With Bob’s son, David, ialeUK is planning a one-day symposium in the NW of England in September in memory of Bob’s contribution to landscape ecology, followed by  excursion to the limestone hills of South Lakeland. Look out for details on the ialeUK website. 

    He is survived by his wife Freda and his son David.

    Geoffrey Griffiths (ialeUK)

    David Howard (ialeUK)

    Marc Metzger (ialeUK)

  • 16 Apr 2022 21:14 | Anonymous

    The call for Abstracts proposals for the INTECOL 2022 congress / Frontiers in Ecology: Science & Society is now open!

    Find more information on the website of the conference.

  • 4 Apr 2022 09:40 | Anonymous

    Call for Applications

    The call for applications for the Summer School Series II 2022, organised by Africa-IALE and the IALE Members Christine Fürst, Yazidhi Bamutaze and Henry Bulley is online.

    Call fo Applicants_Landscape Ecology Summer School 2022.pdf

  • 2 Apr 2022 07:14 | Anonymous

    The early bird registration for the IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress is now open!

    Please check for furhter information.

  • 2 Apr 2022 07:10 | Anonymous

    original posting taken from
    Authors: Organisers of IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress

    From the very beginning we wanted the IALE European Landscape Ecology Congress to be a meeting that would give the possibility of creative exchange of views, lively discussion, network building and social events among friends and colleagues. We planned to organise it in Warsaw, the part of Europe where the influences of Western and Eastern European scientific perspectives intersect.

    In March 2021, we decided to postpone the Congress by one year, because we were determined to have an in-person event and hoped that the pandemic would be contained by July 2022. When it looked as though there was a chance to meet safely, war broke out at our borders. The war that shocks the world and with each passing day increases the unimaginable suffering of Ukrainians and the destruction of their homeland.

    Considering the dangers of the Russian invasion, the uncertainty of tomorrow and the obvious need to help millions of refugees arriving in Poland, we regretfully decided, in consultation with the IALE-Europe Executive Committee, to change the format of the Congress to an online meeting. We were primarily guided by the care for the safety of Congress participants and the sense of inadequacy of cheerful networking in these very tragic days. This move is also a response to the numerous and understandable fears from participants related to travelling so close to the border with Ukraine, perceived by some participants almost as a front zone.

    We will do our best to make the online meeting interesting, interactive and valuable for everyone. We plan to open registration on April 1st, with an early bird deadline on April 30th, and a deadline for contributors on May 31st. The Congress fee will be 100/50 Euro (discount for students and IALE members). We encourage the participants to allocate the funds saved on travel and accommodation to help refugees from Ukraine.

  • 2 Apr 2022 06:30 | Anonymous

    The 9th and 10th issues of PANORAMA - the  Newsletter of the Indian Regional Association for Landscape Ecology (IRALE) - is online.

    • Download IRALE News #9 here.
    • Download IRALE News #10 here.
  • 7 Mar 2022 10:01 | Anonymous

    The International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) is deeply troubled by the Russian government’s attack on Ukraine, the escalating violence, and the disastrous impact on people affected by the conflicts. Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine at this difficult time.

    Global climate change, biodiversity loss and intensifying human activities have already caused the landscape changes to become a global threat. Warfare, besides tremendous suffering it brings to people, inexorably further harms both natural and cultural landscapes, with permanent direct consequences to landscape’s abilities to guarantee safe and healthy lives for nature and the peoples depending on it. It will bring cascading long-term and large-scale consequences to all humankind, also beyond those directly in contact with the conflict.

    IALE is the worldwide organization for landscape ecologists, with a primary mission to promote global collaboration. In times of conflicts and crises, IALE as an organization will continue to support the landscape ecologist community. IALE encourages its members and chapters to separate individual scientists from the adverse actions of their home countries/governments, stay united, and treat each other with empathy and mutual respect. IALE is fully committed to global scientific collaboration and dialogues, especially those affected by conflicts and war anywhere in the world, to support a peaceful co-existence on Earth.




International Association for Landscape Ecology

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