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  • 9 Aug 2022 15:55 | Anonymous

    The 12th issues of PANORAMA - the  Newsletter of the Indian Regional Association for Landscape Ecology (IRALE) - is online.

    Download IRALE News #12 here.

  • 22 Jul 2022 12:30 | Anonymous

    To the Landscape Ecologists of the World:

    We are incredibly excited to invite everyone to Nairobi for our 2023 World Congress! Whether you are a long-time member of
    the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) or you were invited to give a talk or you are simply passionate about
    landscapes and landscape change, all are welcome to learn and to connect and to share with us. As the pace and scale of global change continues to accelerate, the world needs landscape ecology more than ever. We are proud of our history bridging disciplines, seeking applied solutions, and connecting scientists and practitioners from across the globe. Our host committee and host city epitomize this commitment. Africa generally, and Kenya specifically, contain some of the most diverse landscapes in the world and truly represent our shared future with global changes expressed as local management challenges. No longer can we consider our landscapes - and their management needs, including for food security, biodiversity, and climate mitigation - as independent or isolated problems.All are connected by our global culture, economy, and climate. Therefore we need to learn and respond as a global community. Our solutions and adaptations must be global as well.

    Please join us for this exciting exchange of energy and information and reward yourself with the opportunity to explore and witness the incredible landscapes that Kenya provides!

    Rob Scheller
    IALE World President

  • 21 Jul 2022 23:29 | Anonymous

    The lastest IALE Bulletin - Volume 40 No. 2 | July 2022 - is online.

    Download the Bulletin here.

  • 4 Jul 2022 09:17 | Anonymous

    The 11th issues of PANORAMA - the  Newsletter of the Indian Regional Association for Landscape Ecology (IRALE) - is online.

    • Download IRALE News #11 here.
  • 1 Jul 2022 09:05 | Anonymous

    Irene Petrosillo is the editor of a new Special Issue in sustainability on the topic Landscape Management Impact on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Please find more information attached.


  • 30 Jun 2022 09:13 | Anonymous

    The IALE affiliated open access journal Land has received a new impact factor. According to the Journal Citation Reports/®/ in June 2022, the Impact Factor of Land is now 3.905. IALE congratulates the editorial board for their successful work in developing a journal on landscape ecological themes.

    Land (ISSN 2073-445X)  is an international and cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal of land system science, landscape, soil–sediment–water systems, urban study, land–climate interactions, water–energy–land–food (WELF) nexus, biodiversity research and health nexus, land modelling and data processing, ecosystem services, and multifunctionality and sustainability etc., published monthly online by MDPI.

    Land is affiliated to the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) and their members receive a discount on the article processing charges (APCs).

  • 20 Jun 2022 12:06 | Anonymous
    ialeUK and UKCEH

    are organising a memorial symposium on Wednesday 7 September in Lancaster to celebrate Bob Bunces's academic contributions and remember how he influenced colleagues in the UK and beyond. The symposium aims to showcase academic contributions influenced or inspired by Bob Bunce.

    More information on

  • 4 Jun 2022 12:00 | Anonymous

    Sonia Reyes, IALE-Chile President was nominated by the recently elected Chilean president as regional deputy of environmental issues in Santiago Metropolitan Region. Dr. Reyes-Packe will have the mission of leading the implementation of new climate change law, new ecological planning perspectives, and biodiversity protection actions among many other tasks. The nomination represents an acknowledgment of her excellent trajectory as a researcher and activist, including her involvement in the creation of the IALE chapter in Chile, as well as other links between science and social movements.

  • 2 Jun 2022 11:56 | Anonymous

    Dra. Dolors Armenteras, IALE-Colombia President and IALE Vicepresident, visited Chile for 10 days to participate in research about landscapes affected by Megafires and their change over time. Invited by Dr. Francisco de la Barrera and his research team, they traveled through a long gradient of burned landscapes to learn and explore future directions for research on the socio-ecological processes and patterns of wildfires in Latin America and the Global South. The visit included workdays at the Universidad de Concepcion to share with IALE-Chile members, co-researchers of De la Barrera Lab, and postgraduate students, offering the master class “Megafires in Amazonia” and having meetings.  

    The conclusion of the visit came up with a common understanding that landscapes of Latin America have particularities that require new and own approaches of research and management. In this direction, it is key to strengthen the collaboration among researchers and associative training for students in the Global South.

  • 31 May 2022 11:44 | Anonymous

    IALE-Chile invites to apply to the “Fieldwork training in landscapes of temperate forests: A trip to learn to share what and how we see”.

    The fieldwork training organized by IALE-Chile is oriented to national and international postgraduate students, and it will cover a gradient of landscapes of Southern Chile. The event covers 3 days of activities, visiting coastal landscapes, agricultural and forestry landscapes, and touristic and conservation landscapes.

    20 IALE-members will be selected to participate based on an application process. During the fieldwork, transportation, accommodation, and meals will be covered by IALE-Chile, thanks to IALE World funding. However, the participants must have the capacity to arrive in Chile on their own. Selected applicants must confirm their participation by paying a refundable fee. The event will take place in Temuco during the last week of September (fieldwork in Spanish). The exact days will be confirmed during the coming weeks. 

    The fieldwork will be supported by senior researchers covering the following topics: 1) Patterns and processes in coastal, agricultural, forestry, and conservation landscapes, 2) Techniques to evaluate landscapes in the field: UAV, Validation of Satellite Imagery, 3) Ecosystem services flow, supply and demand, and 4) Biodiversity in natural and anthropogenic landscapes.

    More information soon.




International Association for Landscape Ecology

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