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  • 20 Dec 2022 15:00 | Anonymous

    The lastest IALE Bulletin - Volume 40 No. 4 | December 2022 - is online.

    Download the Bulletin here.

  • 13 Dec 2022 21:17 | Anonymous

    We wish to inform the IALE Community that the Symposium/Workshop Proposal portal will remain open through December 31, 2022. Although we have already received about 50 proposals, we have taken this action in response to numerous request for additional time to submit proposals.

    Meanwhile, accepted Symposium and Workshop Proposals would be made available on IALE 2023 Conference website by December 24, 2022. This list will be updated as new Proposals are received.

    Please visit the 2023 Congress Website for updates.

    Additionally, the Paper/Poster Abstract Submission portal will be opened on January 1, 2023.

    Feel free to contact the conference organizers with any questions.

    Happy Holidays,

    Joy Obando
    IALE 2023 Conference Chair
    Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya

  • 28 Nov 2022 12:16 | Anonymous

    The 14th issues of PANORAMA - the Newsletter of the Indian Regional Association for Landscape Ecology (IRALE) - is online.

    • Download IRALE News #14 here.
  • 23 Nov 2022 12:10 | Anonymous

    The new Special Issue entitled "Land Use Changes in Rural Areas" in the journal land is open for submissions. The guest editors Dr. Marta Gallardo, Dr. Julio Fernandez Portela, Dr. David Cocero and Dr. Lara Vilar are looking forward to your contributions.

    Please find complete call for submissions is here.

    IALE members receive a 10% discount on submissions in land.

  • 18 Nov 2022 12:02 | Anonymous

    The new Special Issue entitled "Holistic Approaches to Landscape Restoration and Sustainable Livelihoods Development" in the journal land is open for submissions. The guest editors Dr. Theo van der Sluis, Dr. Nicola Favretto and Dr. Cora Van Oosten are looking forward to your contributions.

    Please find the complete call for submissions here.

    IALE members receive a 10% discount on submissions in land.

  • 14 Nov 2022 15:21 | Anonymous

    Since 2017, the International Association for Landscape
    Ecology (IALE) has been affiliated with Land. A new Collection
    has been created to collate all submissions from IALE
    members. The topics could cover, but are not limited to:

    • 3DLM – 3D landscape metrics;
    • Biocultural landscape;
    • Biodiversity and ecosystem service assessments;
    • Food and water security;
    • Forest landscape ecology;
    • Historical landscape ecology;
    • Landscape planning;
    • Outreach and policy;
    • Spatial analysis of organisms in the environment;
    • Urban and peri-urban governance;
    • Pattern–process–scale relationships of landscapes;
    • Landscape connectivity and fragmentation;
    • Scale and scaling;
    • Spatial analysis and landscape modeling;
    • Landscape history and legacy effects;
    • Landscape and climate change interactions;
    • Ecosystem services in changing landscapes;
    • Landscape sustainability;
    • Remote sensing of landscape.

    As part of this collaboration, all members of the IALE will
    receive a 10% discount on the article processing charge
    (APC) when submitting articles to Land.
    Please choose IALE
    as your instituation when submitting papers to this Collection.

    IALE-Land collection flyer.pdf

  • 14 Nov 2022 15:06 | Anonymous
    ONLINE EVENT 21-22 November 2022

    COP-26 suggests that huge efforts are needed to re-think our behaviors and actions to reduce human impact on Earth. Scientific conferences, meetings, and similar events may have a huge environmental impact because of organizing and travel emissions and offer limited possibilities of social inclusion for researchers with different socioeconomic backgrounds. At the same time, in-presence meetings offer multiple benefits to people in terms of strengthening relationships, networking, or mental health due to positive human interactions. Because of these conflicting aspects, and the need to re-thinking the way we plan our events and not come back to the “business as usual” way, we propose this series of meetings to discuss together different aspects, environmental or social, related to our meetings.

    Our idea is to discuss together how we can organize scientific events in a more sustainable and social-inclusive way. We think that science has the responsibility to show new ways of behaving sustainably.
    During this event, participants will have the possibility to learn about environmental impacts, calculations, compensations, and about social inclusivity.
    The last event will be a real working group activity, where participants will be involved in first person in creating their own scientific event!

    Program information is available here:

    Registration link here: 

  • 14 Nov 2022 14:52 | Anonymous

    On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the founding of IALE, Dr. Janez Pirnat published an article in the journal Acta Sylvae et Ligni (English with a summary in Slovenian). He analyzed the forestry content in the journal Landscape Ecology.

  • 28 Oct 2022 14:45 | Anonymous

    Between September 29th and October 1st, IALE Chile carried out the "Fieldwork training in landscapes of Southern Chile: understanding patterns and dynamics of transformation in contrasting landscapes". This activity had the financial support of IALE international and the sponsorship of different national postgraduate programs. A total of 17 students and 7 researchers (the instructors), all IALE-Chile members, participated in the 3 days of training. The main objective of the activity was to carry out a reflexive reinforcement of theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects of landscape ecology, which were applied in the contrasting environments visited in the fieldwork training. Each student shared their research topic with the group, which provided feedback and opened additional reflections. The first day, we visited the coastal area of La Araucanía region. Here we had the opportunity to visit landscapes with a significant indigenous cultural heritage, where agriculture is the main activity, located among small patches of native forest and important aquatic systems such as Lake Budi and the estuary of the Imperial River. Both are currently subject to recent changes due to tectonic activity. On the second day, we visited the Andes zone of La Araucanía. The focus of this day was a network of 700 hectares of native forest restoration. The area still had winter snow, and it was possible to appreciate the evolution of landscapes set on fire more than 30 years ago, subjected to invasion processes, and today under reforestation. In addition, landscapes of high biogeographical interest were observed, such as Araucaria and Nothofagus forests. On the last day, we worked in the city of Temuco, the capital of La Araucanía region. Here we focus on green infrastructure, visiting a new urban park that integrates the conservation of Boldo forests, and also recovering part of the historical memory. Afterward, we climbed a tower to make "bird's eye" views of the city, where the relationship between natural and anthropic elements was analyzed. In addition, we also analyzed the heat island phenomenon in the city using different instruments. Finally, a residential neighborhood with diverse green spaces was visited.

    The activity was organized by the IALE-Chile board and coordinated by Daniel Rozas from the Catholic University of Temuco and Francisco de la Barrera from the University of Concepción. The course was guided in landscapes of his specialty by Cristian Echeverría (Andean landscapes) and Fernando Peña (coastal landscapes). In addition, the academics Roxana Lebuy, Maria Elgueta, and professor Massimo Palme, current president of IALE-Chile, accompanied throughout the course enriching the discussions in areas of their expertise and motivating students to continue their research in landscape ecology.

    More information at

  • 25 Oct 2022 21:53 | Anonymous

    The lastest IALE Bulletin - Volume 40 No. 3 | October 2022 - is online.

    Download the Bulletin here.




International Association for Landscape Ecology

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