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  • 24 Oct 2022 12:00 | Anonymous

    The call for Symposia, Panels and Workshops for the IALE 2023 World Congress is published.

    Deadline for submissions: 30st November 2022

    Call for Symposia, Panels, Workshops

  • 24 Oct 2022 11:30 | Anonymous

    The Call for Abstracts (Presentation and Poster) for IALE 2023 World Congress is online.

    The submission portal will open 1st Junuary 2023
    Deadline for submissions: 15th February 2023

    Call for Abstracts (Presentation and Poster)

  • 6 Oct 2022 08:22 | Anonymous

    The new Special Issue entitled "Perspectives on Mountain Conservation" in the journal land is open for submissions. The guest editors Prof. Dr. Fausto Sarmiento, Dr. Andreas Haller, Dr. Carla Marchant and Dr. Masahito Yoshida are looking forward to your contributions.

    The complete call for submissions is here.

    IALE members receive a 10% discount on submissions in land.

  • 30 Sep 2022 22:46 | Anonymous IALE 2023 World Congress Website is online. Please visit:

  • 15 Sep 2022 12:40 | Anonymous

    Call for participation to three CBLS-IALE international online workshops from October to December 2022.

    Application for participation by 24/09/2022.

    More information: CBLS-IALE Workshop.pdf

  • 5 Sep 2022 09:58 | Anonymous
    The 13th issues of PANORAMA - the  Newsletter of the Indian Regional Association for Landscape Ecology (IRALE) - is online.

    Download IRALE News #13 here.

  • 1 Sep 2022 16:28 | Anonymous

    Authors: Antonio Gómez Sal and Asunción Saldaña-López

    Dear Colleagues,

    Changes in land use are leading to a global polarization process. On the one hand, the urbanization trend does not stop: more than 55% of people are city dwellers and large cities are becoming the most evident manifestation of global change. On the other hand, the declaration of protected natural areas is increasing, with a general target of covering 20% of the land in each country. Between both extremes lies a vast space that often lacks clear development goals and adequate planning. Trends range from abandonment and depopulation to super-intensive agriculture. Within it there is a growing tendency for human uses to decouple from land conditions and dynamics, thus increasing exposure to risks caused by natural and anthropic events. This is also the space where competition between high-impact uses (e.g., energy, intensive agriculture) and (agro)biodiversity-based development (i.e., cultural landscapes, not urban life options) is being raised. Therefore, there is a need for planning and clear development goals.

    The objective of this special issue is to analyze the trends taking place in this in-between space of uncertain destiny, to identify win-win actions and policies already underway and offer a set of considerations to drive changes towards sustainability and human wellbeing goals.

    Find more information here.

  • 25 Aug 2022 09:15 | Anonymous

    The (last!) Landscape Ecology MOOC organised by ETHzürich is starting September 6th 2022. The course features theory, methods and tools to solve landscape-related environmental problems. Building on introductory theory units, leading Landscape Ecology professors present case studies from around the world, highlighting innovative and collaborative approaches.

    Enroll here:

  • 15 Aug 2022 16:01 | Anonymous

    The IALE Diversity and Inclusion Committee would like to better understand member experiences within IALE and gather input on what our committee can do to facilitate a more inclusive IALE.

    We need your feedback! Please take a few minutes to complete our survey on diversity and inclusion by 26 August. All responses are optional and will be critical for informing our committee's efforts and improving IALE as a global society.


    Committee Members:

    Jennifer Costanza (Chair), USA, IALE-North America

    Dolors Armenteras, IALE Vice President and IALE-Colombia

    Monika Egerer, Germany, IALE-Germany

    Sima Fakheran, IALE Iran

    Amy Frazier, USA, IALE-North America

    Somayeh Mohammadi Hamidi, IALE-Germany

    Anita Morzillo, USA, IALE-North America

    Joy Obando, Africa-IALE

    Marketa Santruckova, Czech Republic, IALE-CZ

    Robert Scheller, USA, IALE President
  • 14 Aug 2022 16:05 | Anonymous

    A special issue, “Modeling the Effects of Land-Use Change on Forest Dynamics at Regional to Global Extents” will be published in the journal Land. We encourage IALE members and others to submit relevant manuscripts. See the link for more details about the scope of the issue.

    Though the deadline is 10 October, for IALE members, the journal has agreed to accept tentative abstracts and titles as placeholders by that date. Please contact Jen Costanza ( with a tentative title, list of authors, and abstract by 10 October prior to submitting to the journal. We are also able to waive all publication fees for a limited number of submitted manuscripts. To request a fee waiver, send your statement of financial need to Jen Costanza along with your title and abstract.


    Jen Costanza, Kurt Riitters, Karen Schleeweis, and Kristen Emmett, Guest Editors

     More details about the journal and submission:

    Land (ISSN 2073-445X, impact factor 3.905) is an international and cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, and open access journal of land system science, landscape, soil–sediment–water systems, urban study, land–climate interactions, water–energy–land–food (WELF) nexuses, biodiversity research and health nexuses, land modelling and data processing, ecosystem services, multifunctionality and sustainability, etc., published monthly, online, by MDPI. The International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE), European Land-use Institute (ELI), and Landscape Institute (LI) are affiliated with Land, and their members receive a discount on the article processing charge.

    For further details on the submission process, please see the instructions for authors at the journal website.




International Association for Landscape Ecology

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